Hour Updates
Plan a fun week for spring break 2025, March 24-28, 2025.
Park Notices
- Thurston Hills Natural Area - Crews will be conducting controlled pile burning throughout the winter. This is part of ongoing fuel reduction efforts in the natural area. The trails will remain open, but pay attention to posted signs. Mountain bike trails are now closed for the rainy season.
- Dorris Ranch - This spring, there will be a series of three closures to treat the Road Orchard for Eastern Filbert Blight using Trionic.The newly re-planted orchards do not require blight treatment, but the closures will include the full park, orchard, trailhead, and a part of the Middle Fork Path. The first closure will be on Monday, March 24, and Tuesday, March 25. This treatment is weather-dependent, and dates may change. Learn more about treatments here.
- Bob Artz Park - Willamalane is working with a contractor to install new sections at the main gate. They will need to block access to the park on Tuesday, May 25, and Saturday, May 29.
Court Availability
Indoor sports season is here! From January through March, the indoor courts are in high demand at Bob Keefer Center. For detailed court information, call 541-736-4544 or visit this page.
Park Restrooms
- The restrooms at Guy Lee Park are closed.
- The restroom on the Middle Fork Path at Dorris Ranch will be closed for construction starting March 4 for up to two weeks. An accessible portable toilet will be available during the closure.