Willamalane Launches a New Website
Welcome to Willamalane’s new website! Here you can explore easier registration, better mobile access, and new accessibility features.
Last spring, Willamalane conducted community and staff surveys, interviews, and assessments to inform the building of this website. With this information, Willamalane focused on building a site that would work on your phone, integrate more seamlessly with Willamalane’s registration software ActiveNet, improve key accessibility features, be easier to navigate, and allow for more timely improvements in the future. This new site achieves many of these goals, and more improvements will be coming.
Enjoy browsing the website!
Below is an overview of the website and where to find what you need. If you have any questions, please contact us using this form, send us your questions on social media, stop by the front desk, or call (541) 736-4544.
On all pages, you’ll find new features to improve your experience. This includes:
- An improved feature to translate all website content into Spanish. Click the globe icon and select español.
- Options to increase or decrease the font size using the three “A”s in the top bar.
- A search icon that allows you to easily find the content you’re looking for on this website.
The main menu
The main menu is simplified into fewer categories. Programs, classes, events, and activities are found under “Things to do,” and park, facility, and rental information is found under “Places to go.”
Things to do
- Select all activities to see everything you can do at Willamalane – from swim lessons to urban homesteading.
- On the activities page, you can browse a list of links. This page will align with the layout of the next rec guide to make it easier to find what you want and locate it on the website.
Places to go
- Select all parks and facilities to see a listing of all parks, trails, pools, and facilities. Search by name, filter by amenity, or hover over the park or map to learn more.
- Click a place for more details about amenities, addresses, detailed hours, and more.
Explore other links on the menu, like community connection and the latest news, to dive into more Willamalane services and ways to get involved. You can also find links to the court, swim center, and fitness class schedules on the main menu.
Registration improvements
Nothing has changed about ActiveNet or your account, but finding the programs you want should be much easier. On most activity pages, you will find a section that lists upcoming programs.
You will be able to see the name of the activity, location, days of the week, times, dates, ages, the number of spots available in the program, and a link to register or join the waitlist if registration is full. The purple bar above the activity listing provides filtering options. You can use the search bar to filter by name, select the dates you are available (M-S), type the participant's age, or select “only open” to show programs with available spots.
If you click the activity title or “register” or “join waitlist” links, a new browser tab will open, and you will go straight to the activity in Willamalane’s registration system ActiveNet. Here, you can select “enroll” or select the heart icon to add the program to your wishlist.
For more registration tips, please visit this page.
If you have any feedback about the new website or questions, please contact us using this form, send us your questions on social media, stop by the front desk, or call (541) 736-4544.