four kittens cuddled together in a pink crate

Park Rangers: Community Connectors and Cat Rescuers

Park ranger partners with CRAN to rescue 50 cats in Willamalane parks

The impact of Willamalane’s park rangers extends far beyond enforcing rules and regulations. The rangers are educators, advocates, and community connectors. The community they serve encompasses all, including furry friends.

a small white and orange kitten curled up on Nathan's fleece jacket in the park ranger truck, moments after being rescued.

Nathan, one of Willamalane's dedicated park rangers, is affectionately known as the "cat rescuer." Over the past three years, Nathan has worked to rescue over 50 stray and abandoned cats in Willamalane’s parks and natural areas, partnering with the Cat Rescue & Adoption Network (CRAN) to provide these animals with the care and homes they deserve.

three black kittens and one gray kitten snuggled together in a pink crate

On July 23, Nathan rescued four (adorable) kittens abandoned at Island Park. All four kittens are now in safe hands and awaiting foster homes. Just a few months ago, Nathan rescued an orange kitten, now named Garfield, after finding him scratched up and abandoned at Island Park. Thanks to the collaborative efforts of Willamalane’s park rangers and CRAN volunteers, Garfield recovered beautifully in a loving foster home and was just adopted.

“I'm grateful that my role at Willamalane allows me to help kittens like Garfield and work with amazing organizations like CRAN," Nathan said.

Join the Cause

Feral cat populations are a problem for native wildlife. Cats are talented hunters who prey on birds and small mammals, affecting native wildlife populations. Feral cats also reproduce at exponential rates, making their populations difficult to control.

Nathan's work with stray animals highlights the compassionate and multifaceted role of Willamalane’s park rangers. He and the CRAN volunteers make such a difference every day. Anyone interested in supporting or joining this cause can volunteer with CRAN, become a foster, or consider adopting one of the many animals awaiting loving homes.

If you are unable to care for an animal, please fill out a surrender form with CRAN to ensure the animal can find proper care.

To adopt, foster, volunteer, donate, or surrender an animal, visit or call CRAN at (541)225-4955.

Willamalane’s Holistic Approach to Park Care

During routine patrols, park rangers are always trying to be helpful to all members of the community. They collaborate with law enforcement, help those in need, keep dogs on leashes, and ensure that Willamalane parks remain safe and clean for everyone to enjoy. The rangers do it all!

Willamalane hired its first park ranger in 2018. Since then, the program and its impact have continued to grow, and now includes three full-time rangers. Willamalane is grateful to have park rangers with big hearts for every member of the community.

Park Ranger Nathan at Clearwater Park

If you notice a safety or maintenance concern at Willamalane parks, call the parks hotline (541) 736-4104.