Willamalane hosts captivating free lectures on a variety of topics. All lectures are hosted at Willamalane Adult Activity Center. Learn about various engaging topics, ranging from invaluable legal advice to invigorating wellness insights, fascinating travel stories, and beyond. Join these enriching lectures to broaden your horizons and connect with like-minded individuals while you learn about new and exciting subjects.
See the programs
Active names
Lectures: Medicare 101 Lectures: Medicare 101 Lectures: Estate Planning Master Class Lectures: Estate Planning Master Class Lectures: Estate Planning Basics Lectures: Estate Planning Basics Lectures: Estate Planning Basics Lectures: Aging Under the Influence Lectures: Get Activated! Lectures: Aging with Anxiety and Depression Lectures: Advance Care Planning Lectures: Sharing Our Culture Lectures: The Five Elements of Health-Sleep Lectures: The Five Elements of Health-Stress Lectures: The Five Elements of Health-Social Connection Lectures: The Five Elements of Health-Nutrition Lectures: The Five Elements of Health-Movement Lectures:Tree Fruits, Grapes and Berries Pruning Workshop Lectures: Pruning Rhododendrons and Spring Bloomers Lectures: Rose Pruning Workshop Lectures: Lifestyle and Food as Medicine Lectures: The Magic of Fiber and Benefits of Whole Food Lectures: What You Eat Affects the Planet Lectures: How To Prepare Healthy Food Lectures: Your Voice Your Choice Lectures: Birds of Oregon and General Science (B.O.G.S.)
Highlighted Series: The Five Elements of Health
Delve into a series of free health and wellness lectures at Willamalane Adult Activity Center, led by Certified Health and Wellness Coach Ute Hostick. Explore the profound impact of nutrition, digestion, and metabolism on energy levels, discover the importance of strength training for a healthy body foundation, and learn surprising insights about stress and its positive effects. These informative sessions offer practical tips for a healthier and happier life. Registration is requested for each lecture.
Active names
Lectures: The Five Elements of Health-Sleep Lectures: The Five Elements of Health-Stress Lectures: The Five Elements of Health-Social Connection Lectures: The Five Elements of Health-Nutrition Lectures: The Five Elements of Health-Movement
Donations accepted
Please consider bringing a non-perishable food item to an adult lecture to help stock the food pantry at Willamalane Adult Activity Center and Springfield Little Free Pantries.